
Eliminate procrastination and get into action now.
Listen to this audio any time you are feeling unmotivated and need a little help jumping back into the task at hand. Various techniques are incorporated to get your mind into focus and create a productive state. Listen to this as necessary throughout the workday.
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5-minutes away from feeling relaxed.
Listen anytime you need to reduce your stress and anxiety. Based on breathing exercises taught in the breathwork fundamentals course, listen to this audio track to trigger the relaxation response. Doing this course repeatedly will create a very simple and powerful technique that you can use throughout your life. Once the technique is learned, you no-longer need the audio training wheels.
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Learn the fundamentals about brain waves.
Learn to distinguish between brain waves that are optimum for relaxation, deep focus, computational work, and creativity. This is an experiential audio program.
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Get a confidence boost
Listen to this audio to overcome stomach butterflies as you prepare for an important task. Are you preparing for an important meeting? Are you about to do something for the first time? Being a little anxious is normal. This audio will quickly get you into a state of confidence. Listen as needed throughout the workday.
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Get into flow state in under 10 minutes.
Use this audio track to help you get into the brain states for flow performance. Use with headphones as you perform an important task where focus, concentration, and innovation are necessary.
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Learn to take a power break and recharge in under 10 minutes!
Let this audio track take you into the brain states of deep relaxation. In conjunction with suggestions, get quickly recharged so you can power through the workday.
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